Apparently they make University kids do exams these days. As if it isn't stressful enough wondering where your next meal, drink or sexual partner is coming from.
For my part, I try not to get too stressed about exams. I work for them, yes, but not to excess, and once they're over I forget about them. Life's too short to worry too much about stuff like that, and there's more pot luck to these kind of situations. You're in the hands of the examiner, you might not like the questions, it might be too hot, you might need a wee. Do what you have to do, prepare a bit, but for heaven's sake don't give yourself a coronary. Just bash out a bit of revision, bullshit a bit, and hope for the best.
And no matter how badly it goes, you can always look forward to the celebrations afterwards and the fact that life will always give you another bite of the cherry.
Borrowing doesn’t mean higher rents
1 week ago
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